Weekend...good times.
Wow. I am having some good weekends.
see...it started with a photo outing in Old Town. That was fun. Then I went up to Temecula with my fiancee to meet up with an old boss and friend, then to hang out with an old classmate from high school. Then we saw some kickboxing. Then we slept.
It was a great weekend.
Then I went to work on Monday.

When we got up, we hung out with family, went to the pond and just chilled. We also saw a movie, and I got to work on our wedding website. Afterwards, I went to church where Mass was led by arguably the coolest priest ever. During the service, he brought out his iPod, his Pocket PC, and his bluetooth headset. The most connected man of the cloth,
I asked him if he would be the officiant at our wedding. Hopefully it works out.

It was a great weekend.
Then I went to work on Monday.

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