OK. Now that I am at least able to write.

Now that I have survived the weekend and am at least slightly more coherent, let's do a recap.
- Told everyone (those we wanted to know, but haven't told yet) about the engagement.
- Won free tickets to an excellent concert in October.
- It was my girlfriend's Birthday yesterday.
- I had (am still having) a nasty bout with tennis elbow--on both elbows.
- Experienced increased leg pain
Alright. Now for some further detail.
We told many people this past weekend about the engagement. The reaction? It was like they already knew. Many in fact, did already know. But some people seemed keen on that element already. Still, it was nice for people to actually see the pictures and the engagement ring.
I got an email from the INO Records street team administrator that said I won two tickets to MercyMe's concert in Anaheim in October. That's sweet! I already bought some upgraded seats anyway, but now this means that more people get to go. It's going to be awesome.
My fiancée and I had dinner at Humphrey's By The Bay yesterday and had two salmon specials. It was good, could use a little more salt, though. We celebrated her birthday together watching the sunset over the hill just past the private yacht dock. We also sort of celebrated her birthday in small episodes throughout the weekend, from the tiramisu at the british pub, small MySpace blurbs, and phone calls from friends and family. Again, if one day late in the ol"blog, Happy Birthday my shnookums. :)
So now we are over a week after the LAN party madness that was August 25-27, I am sitting, typing, with a Futuro Sport tennis elbow strap around one of my arms. Yes, I got tennis elbow in perhaps the least honorable way--not by actually participating in some agressive-good-for-you-sport, but by fragging away the whole weekend. Yep, and I got it bad. I couldn't put on or take off a shirt. I remember actually hunching over and sort of crying at Bible study last week. It was bad.