Thursday, August 17, 2006

I don't know why I come up with these weekend checklists anymore.

This weekend, a Padres game. The thing is, I bought tickets back when the Padres were first place (which was super exciting), but now they are third place...what the hell? So I guess now I'm going for the bobble-heads. Yay! Anyways, that's where I'll be if anyone reading wanted to meet up.

What else, what else. I will be going to the zoo.

I also have to look for some missing CompactFlash cards and a missing SLR battery. I wouldn't mind it so much, except for the fact that they are proprietary and no longer being manufactured.

So that's what I've got. The checklist is smaller than it usually is, hopefully I can do all these things--I'll let you know Monday. :)

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