Sunday, August 06, 2006

Yeah. It was a great weekend.

It was a really good weekend. Hung out with the brother (he's the skinny one). Ate filipino food. Played video games (no wonder I'm the fat one).


Had some friends come over. Played more video games--but the type that lets you lose weight (notice I am not playing). That was cool. We ate some chips (that's the Lays bag in the corner that I was eating).


Did some of that karaoke madness. That's me on the mic. Yo yo!


Went swimming. I could say something funny about this picture (which I like by the way), but there'll be these funny jokes about how this guy has a lack of head and all that...I just won't go there.


Went back inside and did the whole guitar bit.


And then just waxed poetic about relationships and ate more.


It was great. It was how weekends are meant to be.

Now I am sitting in front of the TV watching Hustle and Flow not wanting to go to work tomorrow.

Yeah, it was a great weekend.

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