Monday, June 26, 2006


Today is lame. I am at work, and my nose is stuffed up--like some type of cold. It is lame because it is summer time. Who gets colds in friggin' triple digits? Anyway, if you are reading this, which is amazing, because then you would be the only person probably reading this little known blog, then know that you are appreciated. I want to hug you until your little eyes bug out of your sockets.

I read earlier today about this tip on a quick and frugal bedroom tip (I have the weirdest portal page). Anyhow, here's a paraphrase. To change the look of a room, use bed sheets as curtains and find creative things to use pillowcases for. Yeah. That's a quick and cheap way to change your room from it's current state into an even lamer state.

Lameness is abounding.

Much love.

Blogged with Flock

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Today is hot and muggy.

Really blows. It's sticky. Went swimming and got a sunburn.

Blogged with Flock

Friday, June 16, 2006

My times in Hawaii

Come check out the photos I took in Hawaii.

They include photos from Mike's wedding, snorkeling, eating, taking pictures of way too many flowers.

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

A macro shot without a macro lens. Posted by Picasa

Waikiki beach. Posted by Picasa

Mike and I after snorkeling in Hawaii. Just the guys chilling after his wedding. Posted by Picasa

Wedding photography

Damn. They are expensive. I want to be one and get paid lots of money.

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Training blows.

Seriously. I am falling asleep. Too much food during lunch. I had a salad and one of those fattening bowls of chicken and potatoes from KFC.

I would much rather play video games.

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Good Roommates are hard to find.


I have gone through two roommates in 3 months time. Yeah--I are probably thinking--dude, it's us. But it isn't. First, I am hardly home. Second, the people we get are truly weird.

Anyway, I think I am about done finding one. I will just be super poor for the rest of my time as an unmarried man.

Anyway, tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be having Thai food with my parents and my girlfriend. It will be gewd.

Till the next time.

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