Spiders and movies
So, I am sitting with my foot just swollen. I have a joint inflamed and my huge ass foot won't even fit in my oversized comfortable Crocs. The best way to explain it is it looks like a newborn baby's foot--just adult sized.
And I am watching South Park on broadcast TV. And a spider was crawling up my leg.
Today, Apple came out with the new Mac Pro. That was cool. That 4 computing cores in a $2500 computer. Yeah, I'm getting one. Maybe. Perhaps when it's refurbed, because it's going to have about 17 different issues from discoloration to high frequency humming.
OK. Time to go, the laptop is burning my crotch.
Blogged with Flock
Does this mean you can't play the piano anymore? I hope not, you need that fat toe to hit e flat.
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